Wendy back in Stoke Mandeville

Just a quick update. Last night we noticed that Wendy had become jaundiced. The Ian Rennie nurse, Suzanne arranged for our GP to come out. Then I received a call from Stoke Mandeville to say they weren’t happy with her blood tests and I should take her back. The jaundice and increased liver function markers can be a side effect of the antibiotic, but because she has bowel cancer we cannot just assume that. She will undergo full tests including a CT scan in the morning to pin down exactly what is going on. In the meantime, she will stay in Stoke Mandeville Hospital.


32 thoughts on “Wendy back in Stoke Mandeville”

  1. Oh NO and just as she was feeling a bit better. What a terrible roller coaster for you all. Let’s hope and pray that it is just the antibiotics. Love to you all. Xxxxxxxxxxx

  2. I’m so sorry to hear Wendy is back in hospital my heart goes out to you all. I’m thinking of you all and sending you my love and hugs. Thank you for letting us know Steve. XXX
    Wendy my lovely friend I’m sending you my love and hugs I am praying that you are back home very soon. I will be keeping you in my thoughts ❤❤ XXX

  3. I’m so sorry and saddened to hear this Steve but thank you for keeping us up dated.
    My thoughts are with you all as you once again go through more test and turmoil Wendy.
    Love to you all.

  4. Aw Steve, this is so sad, I thought Wendy was doing so well 🙁
    Please give her all of my love and I hope this is just a little blip.
    My heart is with you all at this time, if I can help in any shape or form please just give me a shout.
    Steve thank you for keeping us in the loop, I know you will be beside yourself with worry but you’ve been Mr Wonderful as always carrying out The wonderful Wendys request to let us know bless your heart.
    I will be keeping everything crossed that it’s just a reaction from the antibiotics xx

    Keep strong my lovely Wendy X
    Love & Hugs Always <3<3<3

  5. Aw Steve, this is so sad, I thought Wendy was doing so well 🙁
    Please give her all of my love and I hope this is just a little blip.
    My heart is with you all at this time, if I can help in any shape or form please just give me a shout.
    Steve thank you for keeping us in the loop, I know you will be beside yourself with worry but you’ve been Mr Wonderful as always carrying out The wonderful Wendys request to let us know bless your heart.
    I will be keeping everything crossed that it’s just a reaction from the antibiotics xx

    Keep strong my lovely Wendy X
    Love & Hugs Always <3<3<3 xxx

  6. Sending love and hugs Wendy, thinking of you all as I have been ever since I found out you were poorly, never more than a thought away xx

  7. Oh no. I’m so sorry for all of you just when they seemed to get the pain under control. Thanks for keeping us informed Steve. Loads of love to all of you! Xxx

  8. Oh no, I’m sorry, I really feel for you all, I hope the scan comes back good, sending my love to you all, give wendy a hug, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  9. So sorry Steve when she was so upbeat but at least they are keeping an eye on her and hope she gets sorted in hospital and returns home to you all much better.give her my love.

  10. Oh no!! I cant believe it…sending a great big hug and hoping all gets sorted…. poor Wendy…sending lots of love to you all and thinking of you… thanks for letting us know Steve xxxx

  11. Hey Steve
    So sorry to hear Wendy’s back in hospital she has sounded so much better over the last couple of days. Fingers crossed it’s the antibiotics. Thank you so much for keeping us updated when i know you’ve got so much more to worry about I know we all really appreciate it. Please tell Wendy were all rooting for her and thinking of her everyday. Love n hugs to you all.
    Debs xx

  12. Hi I’m so sorry to hear this .., Poor Wendy really is having a tough time . Please pass on my very best wishes and do hope she is out of hospital real soon. Much love and thinking of you all , Chris X

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