Hospitals and a gift for you all

For those of you that are loyal daily readers you will have noticed over the last few weeks that I have attended various appointments with Rebecca. Today she had to go into Wycombe hospital to have a minor operation. I can’t obviously disclose why she is there but don’t you all get worrying as she is and will be fine.

So today’s plan is to take Rebecca in for 11.30 and stay with her as she has never had a general anesthetic before and hospitals can be scary when you go in for anything you’ve not experienced before. I have spoken to Rebecca about being put to sleep but like most things in life until you have experienced them it’s hard to imagine what or how it will feel and then there is the worry of getting over the operation.

I had a mixed night and was awake by 5.30 so the normal routine 1/2 biscuit, fag and a coffee after the animals have been seen to. I check that Richard isn’t sleeping outside again, great the chemo gazebo is free :-))) When mom is down she always wakes at about 7 am so I know I won’t be on my own for long. We have breakfast together, mom and I and catch up on gossip since she was last down. Rebecca wakes and has a dry piece of toast and then up until 11 am she will only be able to have water. For some reason this morning my chemo tablets have really made me feel so weak again. I make cheese and mushrooms on toast at around 11 am for some energy and I feel so light headed whilst I cook but I manage it. Dressed and ready my plan was to drive us there as I drove yesterday but I know I’m not up to driving so I ask Richard to take us and then to take my car to be cleaned ahead of our planned holiday.

Dropped off at the hospital Rebecca has to go to Ward 11 which is opposite Ward 12 where I spent 4 days and memories come flooding back. As it’s a Wednesday I think about all those people in the next ward who like Karen and I were in so much pain after the withdrawal of the epidural. Me being the sick bag monitor of Karen’s sick bag and it being the start of our friendship. I then feel sad seeing sick people in there, every night I thank god for another night at home and not in a hospital. I manage to stay with Rebecca for only an hour as I’m so tired and then Richard has to pick me up again, within minutes of being back at home I’m asleep again, no energy at all today. Mom remains with Rebecca until her turn comes for surgery, thanks mom. We are all now at home playing the waiting game of the phone call to say she is alright and we can come and see her. Tonight I’m going to be playing nurse for my daughter which will be a nice change for us both and I have told her she can have top place in the chemo gazebo too. Some photos for you of my brave Rebecca at hospital and of course shots of her in the gown of shame.

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Your Gift from me to you all

Your gift will be available for you all tomorrow but I’m telling you about it today. I don’t know about you but this blog has been a daily link to you all and has given me great pleasure. To share my journey with you all has been a blessing as your love and support flows into my house on a daily basis, it not only comforts me but also my loved ones. I wanted to do something for you all to show you how much I appreciate it. No naked bums this time, no video either before you start thinking it’s that.

I have turned my blog into a book for you all, not just my words but also at the end of each page is a section of comments you left for me on the blog from that day. Your words captured in time, forever. It also includes all the photo’s and videos that I have shared with you all and some of you have taken part in. Yes it also has 50 shades of chemo too. You will be able to download it very soon.

Why now you may ask? Good question and that question has a few answers to it. Friday starts a whole new chapter depending on the results of our meeting on Friday so the book will end on a cliff hanger. The blog is too long now. If I had to start following my journey it’s hard to read in order even for me and articles maybe missed as you read the blog backwards. So I’m hoping to make it easy for any new followers.

Once you have downloaded it you can always re read it on holidays or on your journey to work or just to remember special moments that either made you laugh or cry. And finally I’ve done it to stop you lot nagging me about turning it into a book haha. My gift to you forever.

What’s the title I hear you all saying? Is it ‘For Fecks Sake’ as that’s what Rita would call it. Is it ‘Well at least I’ve still got my sense of humour’ that’s what Leanne BFF would call it. Is it called ‘It’s all shit’ as that’s what Steve would call it? No it’s none of the above it’s called ‘Daisies and Dolphins’ and if you have read my blog this will make perfect sense and here is the front cover designed by myself so I hope you like it. Oh shit I forgot to tell you it’s an EBook which when downloaded you can view on any hand held device. Rita if you need help with downloading it Steve is available for technical support tomorrow after he finishes work at 8 pm but not after 9 pm as it’s curfew time then.

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Now don’t even start to nag me about film making!!! lol. Talking of nagging my God that Jo from Crawley can nag 😉 she phoned me yesterday out of love and support but has threatened me if I don’t get a disabled parking badge sorted out, okay okay okay Jo we did this today and I just have to get passport photos and then send the form off which you can complete online and it’s done. Thanks for caring Jo, love you really.

I will update you all tomorrow on Rebecca but please don’t worry as she will be fine. Catch you all tomorrow as I’m off to put on my naughty nurse outfit lol lol



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Married to Steve, I have two children - Rebecca and Richard. Steve has two children, Lauren and Chris. Rebecca lives with us (nurse Rebecca) and my mom Judy also has become nurse and housekeeper but lives in the West Midlands. My son is in the Army and comes home when he can. I am 47, born in 1967 and I was told I had bowel cancer on 22nd Feb 2015 and this blog is my journey through it. I hope it helps you as you were the reason I started it.

23 thoughts on “Hospitals and a gift for you all”

  1. Can imagine exactly how you feel about the disabled badge…lol x
    Ebook be great as I know I have missed a few of your blogs and you’re so right about reading them in order.
    Love and best wishes to Rebecca xx

  2. This is absolutely Fantastic, WELL DONE .I am So very Proud of you, and about fecking time 🙂 xxx
    I love the title xxx
    although for Feck Sake would’ve looked fantastic too tee hee
    I shall try my bestest to work out how to download however I may need a consultation with clever clogs Steve, we can’t all be that bright I suppose 🙂

    Give my Love & Hugs to Rebecca and I wish her a speedy recovery <3
    Your mum sure is special, bless her heart <3

    Well I've been to the hospital myself today to get my wee boobies squished in that fecking machine 🙁
    Routine 3 yr breast screening so shouldn't really complain should I 🙂
    I know I know don't tell me off for moaning about it Trendy xxx

    Well cupcake get that Nurses uniform on and see to your new patient <3
    Have a peaceful evening & enjoy curfew xxx
    Love & Hugs Always xxxxx

    1. All okay here on the nursing front, Rebecca is okay and will be back on her feet in a few days. We are going to use something called Drop Box tomorrow so that you can all have a copy as publishing it to amazon etc might take hours or days, not sure. Anyway Steve will make it so that there is a download here button on the blog and that should be it a simple hit the doewnload but of course `steve will explain all in the post. Catch you tomorrow xxx

    1. Oh thanks Bev and glad you like the cover too. When is this grandchild going to appear hey??? It’s nice being friends on Facebook now too as I can see part of yor world too. xx

    1. LOL okay so I knew that i was obviosley thinking about when I first met you, I’ll change it though as we don’t want the book to be incorrect. And I will do it pinky promise, thanks for caring xx

  3. That a great idea, I’ll look forward to it, hope Rebecca ‘s ok, glad your listening to your body and rest when you have to, love to you and your family, thinking of you always, xxxxx

  4. Great pics Rebecca. Hope you make a speedy recovery. What a beautiful idea about the e-book. Some people will do anything to be famous. Lol. Don’t they know who you are yet wend!!!!! Lol!!! All our love to you all as always. Can’t wait for next week!!!!!! X

    1. Have you seen the weather forcast Nic it’s rain rain and rain 🙁 indoor board games it is then in between dry spells xxx

  5. Hope Rebecca makes a speedy recovery. We will be thinking of you on Friday, hope all goes well for you. I read your blog every night and say a prayer for you and your family. At first I felt I was being nosy in reading your blog, but now I feel I know you as a friend. The book is a great idea, love the title, any of the other suggestions would have been appropriate!
    Give love to your Mom. X
    Sent with love from Tony & Sue

    1. Of course it’s not nosy, I want to share this journey with you all, it may help someone. Glad you like the title and yours tomorrow 🙂 Rebecca is doing well thanks and thanks for your prayers too. I will tell mom about your message tomorrow xx

  6. Wow Wend, can’t wait for the ebook, well done.
    Everything you do amazes me!
    Hope Rebecca gets on ok at the hospital, and good luck for your appt Friday, will be thinking of you and that lovely family of yours. Much love ooxx

    1. Hi Helen, thanks and glad you like the idea 🙂 thanks for thinking of me on Friday too, that’s a worry for us all at the moment but can’t change anything we just have to keep going, no choice whatever they say xx

  7. hi wendy
    great idea for the e-book. The title is very apt.
    Wishing Rebecca a speedy recovery.
    Hope today brings you the best possible news it can.
    Thinking of you all everyday

  8. Hello you as you can see we are in Miami just wanted to send the juddy hugs to Rebecca and of course you lots of love xx excited about the ebook 😉 xx

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