Fund Raising Day

Before I celebrate all that my day has held we need as ever to return to last night. So post for the day goes up celebrating all the hard work and effort that has been put into this by so many of you, thank you. I loved seeing photos of my BHS Kingston family and smile as I know the fun they would have had with the false bums. Sadly I’m tired too and fatigue kicks in, it’s just after 6 pm and I agree with Steve to have a quick 1/2 an hour kip! OMG this chair will just have to go as I wake to Steve getting our tea and it’s 9.30 pm! Where did the evening go? So nobody had eaten as they didn’t want to wake me up, bless them. So tea done but I’m now in terrible pain again. I slept through taking my 7 pm morphine and now my back is so bad. I had forgotten how bad the pain is underneath all these drugs that are keeping me going. So I take the ones I’ve missed plus extra pain killers and wait for the pain to ease.

I’ve missed the evening, curfew time which we all look forward to now. I need a shower and I also need to sort out my nails too ahead of the fund raising day. They have to be red as this will match the Beating Bowel Cancer colours, us girls have to co-ordinate hey. The sleeve protector for my PICC line came today so I was able to shower without dressing my arm up like a chicken drumstick in cling film which is great and I can now look forward to wearing it next week as the conference hotel has a pool and as we are going up the night before I want to swim again and feel the weightlessness that may help my back pain. If this works then Steve says that we should go swimming more often if it helps.

So I challenged you to come with a suitable name for the chair and my angel Rita came up with the perfect one, so the new chair is called ‘Dream Machine’ this is perfect as I can dream away in it at any time due to it being so comfy for me, it’s reclining system makes it a machine and both Tia and Molly also enjoy a ride on it and the name ‘Dream Machine’ implies motorbikes and that’s a pleasure that Steve and I enjoyed for years. Thank you all for the other suggestions as they were all good however I have to go with Rita’s ‘Dream Machine’.

So showered and nails ready for tomorrow I’m still in pain and still tired, Steve stays up with me until 1 am and then goes to bed. I consider sleeping in the dream machine but I think I should try bed. Steve was still awake and he tries to cuddle me without hurting me until I drift off. He knows how excited I am about our fund raising day and whether I have taken on too much but I want to be there for as long as I can, try to educate people and raise some money too, I have to beat both Emma and Teresa’s total don’t I?

I wake at 4 am as normal and the usual routine applies, feed animals, 1/2 a biscuit and a fag. I can’t take pain killers for 2 hours so I sit and watch the clock tick by, waiting for 7 am when I take morphine again.

Now Molly never normally wakes or comes to see me in the mornings, lazy dog but I think she likes the dream machine too and as she hears the sound of the chair moving she comes running into the kitchen and jumps up to join me. We have a morning cuddle together and Tia looks jealous. What is it with cats and furniture? Tia thinks that all chairs and carpets are her personal scratching posts and I’m concerned that she will ruin my dream machine. She had ruined so much of our house and furniture with her claws already.  I remember listening to a comedian once who made me laugh so much. He said that we take in cats, promise them love, we feed them twice a day, spoil them with titbits and treats, we pamper them with beds and toys, we expect nothing in return from them and what do they do? They slowly ruin your house just a little bit each day, no gratitude from them apart from the occasional love on your lap, why do we all do it hey, it’s beyond me.


Raising awareness and money in High Wycombe today
Raising awareness and money in High Wycombe today

So the beginning of this post was written before we headed into town to do our bit for Beating Bowel Cancer and of course to beat my BHS Kingston team lol. BFF turned up at 11 am and we headed into town. Mary and Leanne plus  local friends of ours had already been at it for hours. It was lovely to be out of the house and I was looking forward to it so much. BFF was in charge of pushing me and we started straight away not knowing what stories and people we would discover.

Now after 6 hours of fund raising and crying all day I have returned home and I’m in so much pain, I’ve had to take oral morphine plus my normal drugs just to cope. I have so much to share with you all about my day but it will have to wait until tomorrow as I’m sure you will understand that I need to rest.

I then find out that the lovely Rita has been fund raising for me too today and her team has raised £173.00, OMG I’m so thankful to you all in the Chichester BHS store. I can’t thank you all enough.

The grand total and photos from today have yet to come in but we raised over £500 🙂 smashing Emma’s total, sorry mate lol.

Don’t forget to support the lovely Peter Andre tonight in Strictly Come Dancing, what a hunk he is and we are supporting him as he retweeted the Cancer Free video, bless him.

Prayer list for tomorrow Rita is for Karen, Frankie, for Guy’s son recovering from his surgery, my loved ones, friends and family and for all the people I met today who have lost people to cancer or who are suffering from it now.

Full details and more tomorrow I promise xx




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Married to Steve, I have two children - Rebecca and Richard. Steve has two children, Lauren and Chris. Rebecca lives with us (nurse Rebecca) and my mom Judy also has become nurse and housekeeper but lives in the West Midlands. My son is in the Army and comes home when he can. I am 47, born in 1967 and I was told I had bowel cancer on 22nd Feb 2015 and this blog is my journey through it. I hope it helps you as you were the reason I started it.

24 thoughts on “Fund Raising Day”

  1. Glad you had a successful day fund raising. I just missed speaking to you and not getting to see the “Dream Machine”.
    Well done to Mary and your political associates they where having fun when I left them.

    1. Hi Whitters,
      Sorry I missed you, I was shocked that you came all that way. Raised loads of money and all details will be on tomorrows post x

    1. Oh Lizzie I’m really not I just really wish I could stop others going through this and other diseases as it’s such a cruel disease. You never know we may have saved someone today by raising awareness. Thanks for your lovely comment xxx

  2. Well done today sweet,
    The wheel chair looks a god send for you, look forward to the pics tomorrow,
    Thinking of you always, love you xxxxxxx

    1. Yes it is, I’m learning to love it as I need it all the time now, how sad is that how quickly this disease takes your body but it can’t take my spirit hey XXX

  3. Congratulations on a smashing total…you’re truly courageous. Well done to all involved xx
    Love the chair name..brilliant
    Get some well earned rest xx

    1. Thanks Jane, it was an emotional but great day. You would love my chair and you can play on it next time you visit Wycombe xxx

  4. No surprise to me that you smashed the fund raising total, well you can talk the hind legs off a donkey Wendy, ha ha ha!
    Glad you had a good day out although now exhausted, rest up my lovely and then you can think about your lovely fund raising day.
    Well done to everyone that made this day possible.
    Lovely name for your chair, well done Rita. X

    1. Hi Mary, glad yo like the chair name 🙂 I talked and cried all day, such sad stories out there but it was worth doing it. Hope to see you soon xx

  5. Well me little Darlin !!!!!!!!!!
    We have been naughty today haven’t we!!!!!!
    Poor Mr Wonderful thought he’d organized & covered all your needs and medications for today to keep you as pain free as poss and what do you do!!!
    I bet he gave you tut tut tut 🙂 Bless his wee cotton socks xxx

    Yes rest time young lady lots of siestas on the Dream Machine is the order of the evening xxx
    However I’m really excited to hear all your news about today Tomorrow:-)
    And you had the Sex Kitten there too, my God I bet the Craic was good X

    Did BFF manage your limousine ok???
    I was a little concerned that maybe you’d get a little bit of a bumpy ride with her on the pavements coupled with a lot of swearing trying to navigate it lol xxx
    I hope you had a cushion under your bum cause she’s probably destroyed your suspension ha ha ha.

    You have all done a sterling job with the donations for Beating Bowel Cancer, as always my Selfless Friend, you are amazing xxx

    Seen my prayer Honey no Problems, I’ll be all over it tomorrow evening xxxxxxx

    So a good nights rest for you, poor Mr Wonderful I hope you have apologized profusely to him lol xxx

    Love, Hugs & Slobbery Kisses Always xxxxxxx

    1. BFF did okay at driving, a few misses but not too bad. Some sad stories told today which I will post about tomorrow, so much pain, grief and loss it was heartbreaking to listen to some people. I cried most of the day. Thanks for taking on yet another prayer list but I know it gives the peace my angel xxx

  6. well done wendy totally fantastic fundraising day. Hope your pain eases and you take it easy in the Dream Machine.
    You are one amazing women make sure you rest up so you can enjoy the conference
    Thinking of you all everyday

    1. Thanks Deborah, it was a hard day, pain easier now 🙂 I’ll rest tomorrow too so I’m fit for conference 🙂 Thanks for your lovely comments xx

  7. Thank you so much for making the enormous effort through pain and exhaustion to let us know about today’s success on the fund raising front. £500 is brilliant and even more importantly, you will have raised awareness in several people. Well done and I hope the pain subsides. Remember you had a rough weekend after the previous chemo so it will pass. Xxxxxxx

    1. It was hard but rewarding and you are right compared to the last weekend of this chemo I’m really good. All details will be up for your holiday reading 🙂 xx

  8. Well done to you and all the fab people who’ve raised so much for BBC … bloody marvellous! Hope sleep keeps you company for many hours tonight.

    1. Hi J, thanks for coming along today and it was lovely to see you again. Thanks for all your support too and looking forward to Thursday 😉 xx

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