I’m very pleased with myself this morning cos I’ve discovered the meaning of life itself! What is it I hear you say, well I’m not going to just tell you, you have to go through the thought process first with me but I will say that it is only one word!
Throughout life, normally when we have time to reflect, which for me is only ever on a beach in the sunshine whilst taking a break from our fast busy lives, we ask ourselves this question, so what is it all about hey? What are we all doing here and what will it all matter anyway in 100 years when we are all dead?
So what was your answer? I could never find mine until this morning.
So if you were told one day that you only had 6 months to live, what would you do? So now your thinking of that ‘bucket list’ swimming with dolphins, climbing Mount Everest or maybe that dream holiday somewhere exotic? What makes you happy, really happy?
Steve and I could sell our house right now, pay off the mortgage and go around the world together, he would love this but I wouldn’t, why would this not make me happy? cos that’s not the meaning of my life!
Picture the scene – You hear that Putin is going to release nuclear weapons upon us and we all only have 10 minutes to live, how many of us would shout “Has anyone got a dolphin” no they wouldn’t.
So I’m in my garden this morning and it’s 7 am, I’ve been up an hour and I’m thankful I’ve survived another day on chemo and although I feel a little sick I haven’t been sick and I’m doing okay actually. I decide to water the grass as it looks dry and I’m thinking about life, what’s this all about? and that’s when it came to me. The meaning of life is one simple word, it’s small but means so much…. is it love I hear you say? no it isn’t actually it’s sharing.
Let me explain, we go through life together and share moments, share each other and it’s that that brings us true happiness. I love natural beauty and can sit at a local beauty spot and admire the view but it’s who you share that moment with that counts. As a woman you share your body for your children and as parents we share in their joys and hardships all their lives and it makes us happy. To be complete, to be whole we have to share moments with everyone and in this sharing precious memories, funny stories and sadness develop to enrich lives, not one single person can make you complete. So Steve and I could go around the world together and I’d be sharing it with my love and we would be happy but I wouldn’t be sharing it with my kids, my mom or my friends and therefore I wouldn’t truly be complete.
Grief is a terrible thing and having lost all of my family apart from my mom by the age of 30 including my beautiful sister I have realised that the thing I miss the most is sharing. I had a life with them and that ended years ago but the pain I hold is the pain of not sharing my life with them.
So there you have it! many have tried and failed to answer that question and that’s my answer to it. So share love, happiness and even sorrow as it makes us complete.
If my life like others is cut short through cancer I now know where I want to be and that’s sharing my moments good or bad with the people who make me complete and I won’t be swimming with any dolphins!
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